Animation Reel Breakdown
00:00 – 00:40, “MAD”
Freelance Compositor and Animator - Bunko Studios Inc.
For Cartoon Network’s Mad series, I aide in animating characters and eventually compositing them with other elements into the shot. The following clips are pieces from past episodes that I was responsible for compositing, animating and outputting entirely on my own, with the following exceptions: Neil, the character sitting on the left next to Norman, was animated and lip-synced by me in the appropriate shots. The following shots afterwards were completed entirely by myself.
00:40 – END Personal Exercises
Stewart Walk Cycle
Casual walk cycle practice done in Maya. Thanks to Animation Mentor for releasing this fantastic free rig. Stewart character used with permission (© Animation Mentor 2013). No endorsement of sponsorship by Animation Mentor. Stewart can be downloaded at:
Bro Surprise
Animated in Maya using the Max rig created by Peter Starostin and James Hunt. I wanted to convey different personalities in character movement and how the moment in time affected their behavior.
Stomping T-Rex
T Rex model, rig, and textures provided by Bunko Studios; live action footage with MatchMover data provided by This clip is actually the T-Rex only from a compositing project of mine, which can be viewed in its completed state here: T-Rex animated in Maya. Light passes and shadows rendered through Mental Ray and composited in After Effects later on. Further integration and color correction performed in AE.