Show Reel of Jude Murro from Jude Murro on Vimeo.
00:00 – 00:07, “A Killer Surprise”
Freelance Compositor and Animator - Bunko Studios Inc.
Acting as a junior compositor, I received shots requiring prep work such as camera tracking and creating mattes off the moving characters or specified targets. Light color correction was also a duty. None of the characters to be extracted were shot on green screen along with no additional lighting. I also got to color correct and edit created effects to match consistency between shots. Tracking, keying, and roto work were carried out through After Effects.
00:07 – 00:16 “Goor Little Poose Productions”
Freelance Artist
Created an opening logo for the mentioned start up company. Goose first created in Illustrator then modeled in Cinema 4D. Effects and text handled in After Effects. Finishing and audio added in Final Cut Pro 7.
00:16 – 00:35 “William Penn Motion Graphics”
Freelance Cinema 4D and After Effects Artist – MK Media
Incorporated motion graphics and animated content to enhance production of an episodic series dedicated to the history of Philadelphia. I was given 3D artwork already created in Cinema 4D (C4D), but in need of re-purposing and re-skinning for the special needs of the current project’s episode. Rendering was handled through C4D, composited, and re-touched within After Effects (AE). Motion graphics sequences between live-action clips were also completed in AE. Maps, documents, and other assets were first manipulated in Photoshop (PS) then integrated and animated in AE.
00:35 – 00:39 “Downtown Rex”
Personal project
This is my first attempt at creating a realistic composite and to learn more about the process. T Rex model, rig, and textures provided by Bunko Studios; live action footage with MatchMover data provided by I devised the scenario and animated the T Rex in Maya. Light passes and shadows rendered through Mental Ray and composited in After Effects. Further integration and color correction performed in AE. Stock sound effects added using Premiere Pro.
00:39 – 00:49, 01:03 - 01:07, 01:11 - 01:14 “MAD”
Junior Compositor and Animator - Bunko Studios Inc.
For Cartoon Network’s Mad series, I animated characters and afterwards composited them with other elements into the shot. The following clips are pieces from past episodes that I was responsible for compositing, animating and outputting entirely on my own, with the following exceptions: Neil, the character sitting on the left next to Norman, was animated and lip-synced by me in the appropriate shots.
00:49 – 00:58 “Common Good” Awareness Promo
Character Animator and Asset Designer Intern - Undefined Creative
Character animation was entrusted to me in order to raise awareness of faulty practices of justice throughout the nation and also give life to characters guided by a narrator. I was also responsible for creating entirely new assets and characters within Illustrator. Animation was completed in After Effects.
00:58 – 01:03 “Mobile Ambassador Intranet App Web Ad
Freelance Artist
Tasked with creating a 1-minute spot introducing a new company intranet app for iphone. Along with a colleague of mine, we created assets in Illustrator, animated, and then exported for another external editing package.